Why suffer with an uncomfortable, unsteady, unsafe ride? Get a free shocks and struts inspection at Conrad’s.

They play an important role in keeping your vehicle in proper contact with the road surface – and giving you a safe, smooth ride. And, like most vehicle parts, struts and shocks should be regularly inspected for wear and tear. If you wait too long, more serious and expensive damage can occur to other suspension and steering components.
Conrad’s gives you an easy solution to find out what’s happening with your car struts or shocks: a free, no-obligation inspection.
Make an appointment now for your shocks and struts inspection or other types of car services.
Receive expert shocks and struts service for your car, truck or SUV from Conrad’s certified technicians.
After your free inspection, Conrad’s provides you with an easy-to-understand, detailed report about your struts or shocks.Should your vehicle require repairs, Conrad’s technicians will recommend the correct replacement parts, based on your vehicle’s make and model. Technicians are highly experienced in replacing struts and shocks on domestic and foreign vehicles, so your work will be completed quickly and efficiently.
Plus, Conrad’s offers affordable prices on all their car maintenance services, including car oil & lube, tire rotation and wheel alignment.
Save time and gas by visiting your nearby Conrad’s shop – there are over 30 locations in Northeast Ohio with complete car services.
No one likes to be far from their home or office for any type of car maintenance service. With Conrad’s locations spread throughout the area, you won’t have to be.It’s just another reason why this locally-owned business has been a favorite of area drivers for over 40 years.
A better, safer ride can be in your future. Find the closest Conrad’s for your free shocks and struts inspection as well as for other car maintenance / car services.
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